Open truck driving positions are at an all time high in the United States. Large companies such as Swift, C.R. England, J.B. Hunt and Werner are suffering from a high turnover of drivers. Many reasons abound; some want a 9 to 5 job; others want to be home for the weekends. Fact is, when signing on to become an over the road driver, you most likely will not be home for two to four weeks at a time. This can be taxing on a family, and is one of the top reasons drivers leave to pursue other careers.
On the other hand, many are quitting their current positions in other industries to try their hands in trucking. Reasons can vary between wanting to travel the United States and Canada, or to have a sense of freedom from the prying eyes of a boss constantly looking over your shoulder.
The larger companies offer incentives to attract drivers; $2000 sign on bonuses and fully paid health benefits. But the pay may be lower, and when speaking with company drivers from large trucking companies, they complained of the lower pay per mile, and the constant pressure to become a lease owner-operator. Leasing to own a truck can bring down a driver’s weekly pay as low as $800-$900 per week.
Former army 88M’s, and drivers from the other branches can find driving positions rather easily once they ETS. While the larger companies pay less, smaller trucking companies usually offer a higher per-mile pay. I know of guys making $2000-$2500 per week driving (but they really pushed hard).
If you are soon to, or already ETS’d, and you are looking for a driving job, contact me. Location does not matter.
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